My goodness, there are some shady individuals in the viper’s nest on Matlock Season 1 Episode 4. I know their “web of lies” is where lawyers get their mail, but this episode was downright dirty.
As far as cases of the week, the series has done a great job of delivering slam dunks at the end of every episode. However, we were living in a fool’s paradise, thinking it would be happy endings till the end of time.
Due to this hour of Matlock, there’s a good chance many viewers will never hear the words “Texas Two-Step” the same again.

Work Place Romances Can Be Tough In A Viper’s Nest
The case in question revolved around a widower who was suing his building due to the wrongful death of his late wife caused by Legionella. If you read the Matlock Season 1 Episode 4 Spoilers, that wasn’t news to you.
However, what no one was likely expecting was for the firm to represent both parties, which caused issues for just about every character, especially Namely Olympia and Elijah.
Despite Olympia’s insistence that she and Elijah could return to a normal working relationship, his hostility was on full display.
Given how cutthroat he acted, even for a lawyer, I agree with Olympia that Elijah was trying to hurt her through her client. He knows he’s a full-grown adult, right?
If Elijah isn’t careful, he may just find his chances with Olympia have all but disappeared because of Julian. Have you noticed how he gets sweeter and sweeter on Olympia all the time?

On Matlock Season 1 Episode 3, Julian coughed up the dough for Olympia to have the firm’s very expensive jury consultant, Shae, on her team. Julian never even told Olympia he had footed the bill.
As sweet as that all was, maybe the widower would’ve had a real happy ending if all the lawyers had had their heads in the game.
On Matlock, Being A Lawyer Looks Great Until You See How Easily Laws Can Be Manipulated
That poor man lost his wife and then had to jump through hoops just to get some kind of justice for her death. Being a lawyer looks great until you see how easily laws can be manipulated.
The widower won his trial, and his building, along with all those owned by the defendant, is being brought up to code and cleared of toxic black mold.
That’s all well and good, but he still hasn’t gotten a dime from the case. While some may think the win is enough, there’s the issue of the late wife’s medical expenses.

The woman didn’t drop dead. She was in pain for a long time and likely racked up a pile of hospital bills. The widower lost his wife, and all he got was an empty win and possible debt.
As far as cases go, this one was a bust. However, as mentioned in the spoilers, the real reason for the choice in cases seems to correlate to Matty.
In this episode, we see how Matty relates to the widower’s need to achieve justice for his wife.
It was a noble cause for sure, but the situation finally helped Matty realize that “whatever it takes” doesn’t mean losing your soul in the process.
“Excuse Me, I’m Gonna Go Yell At People”
Speaking of losing, Madeline and Edwin both lost their cool with each other. Kathy Bates and Sam Anderson did a remarkable job portraying a real married couple fighting.

Did anyone else feel like they were watching their parents have a loud argument? I was genuinely nervous, like a kid again, despite being well into adulthood.
It was tough to pick a side in that argument. Kathy was right that Edwin had agreed to the plan and was supposed to support her.
However, I see where Edwin is coming from. Alfie has had his whole life turned upside down and needs stability. He’s just a child and doesn’t know what he needs like his grandparents do.
The only thing that was truly clear is that Matty definitely needs help. However, she may have already found all the help she needs in the one and only Mrs. B.
I have been itching to see Patricia Belcher’s (The Rookie) character make a return, and, boy, did she splash back into action. Mrs. B. has such a palpable presence every time she’s on the screen.
Sure, Matty had to lie about her late dog, Cookie, who never existed, but this is all in the pursuit of justice — so it’s okay.

Fingers crossed, we get more of Mrs. B. and her iconic lines like, “Excuse me. I’m gonna go yell at people.” Can we give this woman a spinoff? She is hysterical.
Matlock Took Adding Depth To Sarah A Little Too Far
Matlock Season 1 Episode 4 cast a wide net of character coverage. We’re finally getting some real backstory into the other members of “Team You Three.”
Let’s all give a round of applause to Sarah. She is slowly but surely removing the stick firmly implanted in her backside.
Some of you have been very vocal about how intense she is, and I agree. Matty agrees, too, as she finally verbalizes it to Sarah before asking her not to stand so close.
However, I have to ding Matlock for the blatant and obvious dropping of Sarah’s sexual orientation.

At the end of the episode, Billy (David Del Rio) introduces Sarah to his girlfriend, Claudia, before telling Claudia that if she has a nice, eligible friend, she should keep HER away from Sarah.
Sure, it’s a cute moment likely meant to establish that Sarah and Bily won’t end up together, but why did we need to know that?
I don’t care if she likes girls or boys. What does that have to do with the character and her personality? It’s almost as if the show is trying to correlate Sarah’s intensity with her sexual preferences.
Granted, I could be nit-picking, so if anyone thinks it was appropriate to point out that Sarah likes girls despite it having nothing to do with the story, please tell me what I’m missing in the comments.
Even In A Supporting Role, Bridges Is Gonna Spread His Charisma And Talent On Every Scene He Is In
Beyond all the home and workplace drama, the real danger might have just reared its ugly head.

For the record, I’ve suspected Senior since the Matlock Season 1 Premiere Review. My suspicions were all but confirmed.
Even if Matty hadn’t verified that Senior’s signature was the one she was looking for, that “Texas Two-Step” trick he pulled on the case was a dirty, rotten move. He’s a great lawyer.
You don’t bring in a household name like Beau Bridges without giving him something significant to do. Even in a supporting role, Bridges is gonna spread his charisma and talent in every scene.
So, of course, he’s the one Matty is after. But we are far from the finish line. Matty has her main suspect, but now she needs the evidence to reel in that big fish.
Maybe Madeline can cozy up to Senior and use some of her womanly wiles. We already know Matty still has it going on.
That widower hit on her right after the case about his wife’s wrongful death was closed. At least we know he has good taste, and I think the late missus would’ve approved of Kathy Bates.

Matty is locked and loaded, ready to take out her target. She has him in her crosshairs and is ready to fire. Senior is officially on borrowed time, especially now that Olympia and Matty are allies.
Just thinking about it gives me chills. I hope CBS keeps Matlock around until Kathy Bates says enough is enough.
Was Senior at the top of your list of suspects?
Do you think Edwin will be more involved with Matty’s plan to let their grandson lead a more normal life?
Please drop a comment below to let me know what you liked about this episode, and join me again when I review the next episode of Matlock!
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